1995 No.03
初級学習者のための生活の中の漢字を重視した漢字教材”250 ESSENTIAL KANJI FOR EVERYDAY USE”の開発について
-独立行政法人 国際交流基金日本語国際センター(埼玉県さいたま市)
-独立行政法人 国立国語研究所(東京都立川市)
This article is in the process of getting permission for uploading. The printed version is available at libraries of the following institutes and universities:
-National Diet Library(Tokyo)
-Japan Foundation, Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa (Saitama)
-The National Institute for Japanese Language(Tokyo)
-International Christian University (Tokyo)
-Himeji Dokkyo University(Hyogo)
-Nagoya University of Foreign Studies(Aichi)
-Waseda University(Tokyo)
The name of the journal is as follows:
“The proceedings of the first/second/third/fourth/fifth annual meeting of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in honor of Professor Fumiko Koide” for the volume 1 to volume 5.
“The papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in honor of Professor Fumiko Koide” from volume 6 to present number.